Jonah 2:8

Jonah 2:8

Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own mercy.
Jonah 2:8

The Lord intends to reign His love and mercy upon you and me. Why would we allow anything or anyone to stand taller in our view than Him? That’s a question we must ask ourselves today. What I regard is important, especially if it is taking up room in my heart that displaces the Lord. My idols (material possessions, self-pride, perfect health, that new [insert latest and greatest thing here], etc.) will bring nothing of eternal value to my life.

Today, let’s recognize this: Turning towards anything other than our Maker in the worship cathedral of our hearts leads to our own lack. We forsake the mercy He longs to provide to us. He is building us to last, and we need more of Him, not less. Thank you, Lord, for Your beautiful, satisfying mercy.

Jeff Deal