What’s the point?
Our goal is to help establish three truths that we find in scripture that are essential to your growth in Jesus Christ.
Having a good foundation in Jesus is essential to lasting relationship with Jesus. We help lay the cement and build upon the Rock so you can have a relationship with Jesus that is able to weather any storm.
Who we are is something that is defined very cleary in scripture. This is something we want to establish so when the doubts or even the insults come your way, you know who God says you are and how much He loves you.
It is easy to sit alone in a corner and stay away from people. But, fellowship, or hanging out, with other believers is vital to your walk with God. Hang out with us and see what the Lord will do!
Service Times
Sunday Mornings Room 16: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Wednesday Evenings Room 16: 7:00 PM