Jude 1:22-23

Jude 1:22-23

And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.

Jude 1:22-23

Jude had written that the last day before the Lord’s return would be filled with impostors and religious charlatans. He encouraged the saints that diligence would be needed to stand fast during this time (Jude 1:17-21). In today’s verses, he then encouraged that church to get busy reaching out with the Good News of Jesus Christ to a dying world on the brink of judgment.

Sometimes, sharing the Gospel requires tenderness and compassion for the hurting and broken; other times, it requires preaching fire and brimstone, so fear might pull the hearer from the eternal fire he is headed for. We should always be separating ourselves from the life of the flesh as we step into the world to reach the lost. Who have you been sharing with lately? Who needs to hear what Jesus has done in your life today?

Go tell it on the mountain,

Pastor Jack Abeelen