Luke 1:4

Luke 1:4

That you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed.

Luke 1:4

Luke, like all the authors of the scriptures, was being guided by the Holy Spirit.  So we can trust his writing.  And that is what he is saying here in verse 4, ”so that you can know with certainty of those things in which you were instructed.”  In other words, “Hey, here is the scoop of what happened and this is what you need to know.”  

When it comes to all of God’s word, we can know with certainty that God means it and that it is true. We can rest in the promises of God. When we read “I will be with you even unto the end of the age”, we can rest in that promise.  When we read, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added onto us”, we can rest on that promise, also.

Resting in the certainty of God’s promises,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi