Luke 17:15

Luke 17:15

One of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God.

Luke 17:15

While traveling to Jerusalem, Jesus entered a village and encountered 10 lepers who cried out to Him for mercy. Jesus commanded them to go show themselves to the priests and, as they went, they were healed.  Out of the 10, only one responded with praise and thanksgiving to God, so much so that he sought Jesus in order to fall at His feet and worship Him.  How quickly we forget the mercies and grace, both big and small, that God shows in our lives. When we focus on God, then we are more aware of the blessings that God showers on us.

Thanksgiving is both a passive and active endeavor. We are probably more familiar with the passive version where we accept and acknowledge God’s blessing in our lives — things like salvation, answered prayer, family, jobs, and the mercy that He shows us daily.  In contrast, the active version of thanksgiving is being thankful in all that we say and do. It is hard to steer off course from our walk with Jesus if we are thankful in every word uttered and in every action taken. As we acknowledge the Lord in every small detail, He becomes bigger overall in our life.  Lord, may we be thankful in all that we say and do.

Thankful to God,

Pastor Jeff Mericle