Luke 21:34

Luke 21:34

“But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly”
Luke 21:34

Jesus was explaining to His disciples the signs of His second coming, and issues a warning here for us to not let His return come on us unexpectedly, and He specifically mentions three things that can weigh down our hearts and cause us to become off guard. The first two items, carousing and drunkenness, ought to be readily apparent if they have crept into our lives. However, the third item the “cares of this life” is the easiest one to creep in and the hardest one to detect.

Job, school, homework, commute, doctor’s appointments, car repairs, grocery shopping, chores, children’s sporting events, birthday parties, graduations, vacations and on and on. On top of that, throw in things like financial worries, job security, your own health issues or those of a family member. (In case you are wondering where social media fits into all of this, carousing can also be translated as dissipation, and social media certainly fits that bill.) All of these things can crowd Jesus out of our lives, and we don’t notice it because these things in and of themselves seem innocuous, but on the whole they place a weight on our heart. Jesus though does not leave us without a solution. He tell us in verse 36 to watch and pray always. What does this mean practically? Pray Jesus into the mundane of our lives. Bring Him into all of our cares and worries. He wants to walk with us daily and wants us to fellowship with Him. How glorious that our Savior cares so deeply for us! May we lead prayerful lives, and be on the lookout for His return

Jeff Mericle