Luke 8:48

Luke 8:48

And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.”
Luke 8:48

The above passage is the reply spoken by Jesus to the woman who had been healed from her constant flow of blood for 12 years. Indeed, these words would have been the “icing on the cake” due to her immediate feeling of being healed. She knew that if she just touched the border of His garment, she could also receive healing. She wasn’t looking for a face-to-face conversation and declaration to Jesus of why she should be healed. She simply had the faith to know that a mere touch of the border of His garment was all that was needed.

When we approach God and ask for forgiveness or healing, we often think that a sacrifice must first be brought to be heard. But God is not looking for us to bring anything more than our faith in who we believe Him to be. To merely touch the very edge of Jesus’ garment and believe that one would be healed is the kind of faith that we need to profess and live out in our lives. Believing that God is Jesus and Jesus is God is what this woman displayed in her actions. Faith and obedience are the two things that God cannot make us live out. We must choose to live them and know that the person of Jesus has the power to heal. Even if we can only reach out to touch the border of His garment.

God Bless,
Paul Provencio