Acts 9:17

Acts 9:17

And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 9:17

Ananias had just completed a task that required him to rely on his faith, rather than on his eyes, so to speak. Saul (later known as Paul) is only three days in Christ; therefore at this point he still has a reputation of terror within the church, and Ananias is well aware of the harm that Saul has caused (Acts 9:13-14). The Lord commanded Ananias in a vision to go to Saul and lay his hands on him in order to restore his sight. Ananias voices his concerns, but God graciously explains himself and says “Go.” Ananias obediently goes to Saul and participates in the work of God and witnesses things go exactly as God had said.

Has God been tugging at your heart, desiring to send you in a direction that does not make sense from your perspective? Are you faced with a decision that God’s word explicitly tells you what path to take, yet you are responding with “Yes, but…”. God sees the big picture and His wisdom is better than any earthly wisdom. Rather than relying on our eyes, we should rely on our faith and trust God. We may not know what He is going to do, but we do know that it is always for good.

Pastor Jeff Mericle