Mark 11:24

Mark 11:24

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Mark 11:24

So often we hear people say things like, “I have prayed so desperately, and God has not answered my prayers!” Or maybe you have been praying for something so long that it feels like your prayers have literally hit the ceiling. This very Scripture verse has even been used by some to imply that we just don’t have enough faith, or that we are not praying hard enough.

Well, my friends, not only has God heard your prayers, but He immediately begins to answer them in the best way possible. We may pray for healing and are shocked in the way He provides it. We may pray for strength and become impatient when God wants us to lean deeper into Him. The good news is that not only has God heard you, but He loves you so much that He will answer your prayers in the way that best draws you to Him, brings you growth and peace, and glorifies Him in the process. If we ask in Jesus’ name, our prayers never hit the ceiling. As a matter of fact, He loves you so much that He has begun the good work even before you have asked. Let’s rest in His faithfulness and goodness and not become weary. For our ability to endure truly lies in Him.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio