Mark 1:35

Mark 1:35

 Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

Mark 1:35

In the Gospels, we constantly find Jesus going off to find a solitary place to pray. He will wake up early to pray or pray long into the night. The night before He was taken to the cross, he prayed all night. 

In this verse in Mark 1, Jesus was busy the day before, healing people and teaching. Yet He rose early to pray when I’m sure He would have liked to be sleeping. So if Jesus felt the need to pray in this manner, how much more do we need to be in prayer as well. 

And if prayer is a need, then rushed prayers before meals and half-finished prayers before we fall to sleep cannot be the only time we have alone time with God.

So today, let’s be like Jesus, and take some time to find a solitary place to go off to and pray to our Creator. 

Praying like Jesus, 

David Reeves