Mark 14:38

Mark 14:38

“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Mark 14:38

            This is one of those verses that reminds us of just how much Jesus knows about human nature. We need to be watching ourselves and praying so we don’t enter into temptation. Jesus tells us that happens not because we don’t having willing spirits, but because we have weak flesh and a lack of willpower.

            When we wake up in the morning, my guess is that we’re not looking forward to sinning against the Lord. We wake up and pray for God to guide our steps and keep our focus on Him. Which we will do, for a little while. But then that weak flesh leads us into temptation and we’ve failed again.

            Jesus warns us, we need to be praying and watching our steps. Like Joseph running away from Potiphar’s wife, we need to stay away from those places that tempt us – whether it be the computer, the TV, or the bar. God knows our spirit is willing, but we need Him to be able to use it for His glory.

In my weakness, You are strong,

Pastor Ron Kitchell