Mark 3:29

Mark 3:29

But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation.

Mark 3:29

One of the scariest things a person may ask themselves is, “Have I committed the unpardonable sin?” Prayers are asked for friends or family members who they believe have gone past the point of forgiveness with their ridicule of the Christian faith. Fortunately for those of us who have been born again, we can rest assured that once we have been adopted into the family of God, nothing can snatch us from His hands, ever! If the redemptive work on the cross had not done what it did, then yes, we could be worrying about our salvation. However, what Jesus did on the cross was indeed permanent and all-covering for man’s sins. Thus “It is finished” meant just that.

For the non-believer, the denial, or the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, would be considered a death sentence if the individual dies in their unbelief. Many of us can think back to a time before we were saved. We may have even mocked Christianity and God Himself in our once sin-filled state. God’s forgiveness is for all and will cover any sin including blasphemy. Yes, the work on the cross is available to all who would receive it. Only those who go to their death bed in unbelief have committed the unpardonable sin. And hint, if you have to ask if you have committed the unforgiveable sin, then you probably haven’t. God is waiting to forgive your sins right now. 

God Bless,

Paul Provencio