Mark 5:42

Mark 5:42

Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years of age. And they were overcome with great amazement.

Mark 5:42

Jesus had just returned by boat to Galilee from Decapolis when He was approached by Jairus who begged Jesus to come and heal his critically ill daughter. Jesus did not come straightaway because He was thronged by the crowds, and He also had taken the time to heal a woman. While Jesus was ministering, some from Jairus’ house came to announce that his daughter had died. Jesus continued to Jairus’ house and upon His arrival proclaimed that the girl was not dead but sleeping, at which point those mourning laughed Him to scorn. Jesus entered the room where she was lying and commanded her to arise, and immediately the girl was brought back to life and walked, while those in the room found themselves “overcome with great amazement.”

Contrast this amazement with the crowds outside. They are scornful and dismissive of Jesus because they do not know Him or His power, while the six inside have just experienced a display of His power, and it has affected them tremendously. Is this not a picture of our transformation in Jesus? We were once in the world, scornful and dead in our sins (Ephesians 2:1), but then we had an encounter with Jesus which radically changed us. May our own lives be such where our experience with Jesus is something impossible to hide.

Jeff Mericle