Matthew 10:16

Matthew 10:16

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
Matthew 10:16

Jesus very plainly told His disciples that they would face great persecution for following Him. They would face such persecution because they were to go out into the mission field and preach the Kingdom of God to folks that aren’t always receptive and sometimes even hostile. But mind you, Jesus is telling His followers not to avoid danger at all cost, He’s telling them to use caution and wisdom as you go into dangerous settings.

As life gets more and more unfriendly towards Christianity in the states, we are still called to preach the Gospel. We are to go into “hostile” territory and be lights in both word and deed. Should we exercise caution? Yes. Should we always be solely concerned for our safety? No. If that were true, we would never leave the house. Jesus gave us a job to do and it wasn’t to be safe and comfortable. We are sheep amongst wolves, but amongst some of those wolves are people that need to know truth. That is our job here on this earth, to live and preach truth even if it costs us.

Pastor Jason Witt