Matthew 10:20

Matthew 10:20

“For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”

Matthew 10:20

Proclaiming the gospel to an unbelieving world is sometimes hard. Let’s face it, sometimes it’s downright scary. I can look back in my own life at times when I was asked a hard Bible-related question. In that moment, I wanted to freeze for fear of not being able to adequately answer them. But as I opened my mouth and silently prayed in desperation, something miraculous happened. I began to speak as Jesus would have me speak. It seemed words came out from a place I did not know existed.

God has not given us a spirit of fear; nor does He expect us to go into the fight alone. When Jesus departed from this earth, He left us a helper, the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is to be by the power of the Spirit that we proclaim God’s saving news. The words we confess, our testimonies, and our boldness will be supercharged by the Holy Spirit and come upon us as we need them. We don’t need to worry about having the perfect words to say. We are to be mere vessels for God’s word and it is His Spirit that will come upon us and flow through us when we need Him.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio