Matthew 20:15

Matthew 20:15

Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’
Matthew 20:15

This verse is from a parable Jesus shared about several people receiving the same days’ wage despite a few of them not working nearly the same length as others. This is Jesus’ response to the folks that felt they got cheated because of the others who worked less but got the same pay. What Jesus is doing in this parable is addressing the heart of the natural man. The natural man is many times referred to as the flesh or the old man for those that have been saved.

When left to our natural selves, we determine what is right and wrong and what is fair or unfair. The funny thing about these determinations we make in the flesh is that they are full of double standards. What I mean by this is, the guy that only worked an hour or two, versus the guy that worked the full day had no problem receiving a full day’s wage. But had that guy worked a full day and the other guy only an hour or so, he wouldn’t think it fair that they received the same pay.

That’s how our flesh works, it looks out for number one, always! It’s highly judgmental towards others but extremely forgiving to ourselves. It’s opinionated and very inconsistent depending on the people involved. In short, we are very wicked people, especially on the inside. Thankfully we have a Savior who is GOOD, and conquered the binding power of this old man inside of us so that we can show mercy, grace, and love from a pure heart and rejoice in the blessing of others.

Pastor Jason Witt