Matthew 5:3

Matthew 5:3

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”  

Matthew 5:3

“Blessed” – the Latin for this word is beatus, where we get beatitude; it means an inward contentment or abiding joy, unaffected by outer circumstances. These Beatitudes that Jesus gives in the Sermon on the Mount are pronouncements not possibilities. 

The first Beatitude requires being honest with ourselves in the light of God’s brilliance. The promise is for those who realize their own utter helplessness and absence of spiritual merit. The only response to such a realization is total dependence on the Lord God for spiritual sustenance. By giving up the foolish agenda of building our own kingdoms of rock and dirt here on earth, we can truly participate in Christ’s kingdom.

My poverty, His riches,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw