Matthew 5:6

Matthew 5:6

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.” 

Matthew 5:6

Have you ever been so busy with something that you forget to eat? At some point, you’ll likely say to yourself, “If I don’t eat now, I’m going to fall over.” Why is that? Because we know we derive strength from food.  So how does our spirit get its strength? By having an insatiable appetite for God’s truth and a life of obedience, a driving desire to know and walk intimately with the Lord.

When we can’t get enough of His Word and devouring it, digesting it, and putting it into practice, that’s when it becomes our lifeblood.  We can’t breathe without it.  And the fruit of this righteousness is a clean conscience, a deeper love for God and others, and a life free from fear, regret, and shame.

Time to eat,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw