Matthew 5:9

Matthew 5:9

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Matthew 5:9

This Beatitude brings to mind a picture of an active intermediary between two people that are at enmity. Perhaps angry words had been spoken and there is tension in the air. Then another person who loves them both, takes the risk of causing a bigger blow up, reaching out to pursue peace and reconciliation between them. He helps them see how they have hurt each other and encourages each of them to take responsibility for their own mistakes. Furthermore, he pleads with them to ask forgiveness and give forgiveness. He is a peacemaker.

Peacemakers are courageous because they cannot stand at the sidelines and watch people they love hurt each other. They have to take action—bold loving action—to intervene and keep the situation from escalating into evil bitterness. They run the risk of being misunderstood, being seen as judgmental, and of causing more pain. But they see the greater risks at stake: broken relationships.

Peacemakers are blessed—happy and contented—because they are aware of how lost and without hope they were before God lavishly forgave them. They are grateful for the peace made possible by the infinitely valuable sacrifice of Jesus. They are willing to make sacrifices themselves to heal relationships—and they are blessed.

Tom Day