Matthew 6:27

Matthew 6:27

Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

Matthew 6:27

This is almost comical. You can picture someone pacing up and down the hallway, stopping every so often at the door jamb to see if the height mark has changed. We can grunt and push all we want but we can’t make ourselves any taller.  This word “stature” doesn’t speak about our height as much as it does our years. We also can’t add years to our life by worry. As a matter of fact, anxiety and stress has a way of shortening our lives.

It reminds me of the exasperated husband who asked his wife, “Why are you always worrying when it doesn’t do any good?” To which she quickly piped back, “Oh yes it does! Ninety percent of the things I worry about never happen.” “Do not worry” or “Take no thought” means to be drawn in different direction. Worry pulls us apart.  So be content with what the Lord has given you and thank Him for another day.

Using His measuring tape,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw