Matthew 9:37

Matthew 9:37

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”
Matthew 9:37

When my wife goes away for a women’s retreat or even just out for the evening with friends, it never surprises me how quickly a family can starve. Being the dad I am, I forget to feed myself, let alone ask the kids if they want dinner, and I don’t even think about tackling the pile of dishes in the sink. I admit it: when my wife is gone, the harvest is ready to be picked, and the laborers are nowhere to be found. Yes, my wife is truly the glue that holds our house together.

We, too, can quickly become lazy and fall into the trap of “Hey, will someone clean up that mess,” if we become too comfortable. In reality, the messes we see around us are our responsibility as much as someone else’s. Even though we may not have started the mess or asked for the mess, God is expecting us to be a part of the solution. His word never returns void, and unless we proclaim the gospel in the same streets that we weep for, we are no better than those who jump ship to save themselves. As John 15:13 reminds us, “Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one’s life for his friends.” Let’s be a part of the solution for God’s people and not run from life’s discouragements.

God Bless,
Paul Provencio