Message: “Ending With Praise” from Jack Abeelen
Jack Abeelen - November 11, 2007
Ending With Praise
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Scripture References: Psalms 150:1-6, Psalms 146:1
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CloseThe concluding five psalms of the book of Psalms are like five hallelujah choruses that all build into a crescendo of praise to God. They are filled with themes of happiness and joy due to God’s great love for His saints that reverberate in the life of the writers that result in not only singing but also shouting and dancing. One can almost hear the call to strike up the band from the shofar to the guitar to the bass and drums and wind instruments and loud cymbal and then the shout to come and let all that breathes do what they were created to do…Praise the Lord!
Scripture References: Psalms 150:1-6, Psalms 146:1
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