Message: “Family, Fortune, Forerunner, And Future” from Jack Abeelen
Jack Abeelen - March 7, 2010
Family, Fortune, Forerunner, And Future
Scripture References: Malachi 3:1-18, Malachi 2:1-17, Malachi 1:1-14, Malachi 4:1-6
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CloseIn Malachi’s day, from all appearances the people looked spiritual and had a good relationship with God. God saw things differently and sent this prophet to open the eyes of the people so they would see how they were coming far short in their worship and obedience to the Lord. Malachi addressed several issues regarding their tithes and sacrifices. The people also needed correction in the areas of marriage and family. Lastly, he gave the people hope as he gave the prophecies about the coming Messiah.
Scripture References: Malachi 3:1-18, Malachi 2:1-17, Malachi 1:1-14, Malachi 4:1-6
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Jack Abeelen
Malachi 1:1-14, Malachi 2:1-17, Malachi 3:1-18, Malachi 4:1-6
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