Micah 4:5

Micah 4:5

For all the peoples walk each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.

Micah 4:5

It seems that more and more each day we hear phrases like, “Just do whatever works for you,” or “You do you,” or “You live your life your way, and I’ll live my life my way.” And on the surface that sounds fair, right? Why should we encroach our opinions or beliefs on one another? Don’t we all get a choice? Well, the short answer is yes, yes, and yes. We all have been given a free will to choose to follow Jesus or go with the flow of the world. And let’s face it, sometimes the flow of the world seems easier.

As Christians, we make the conscious choice everyday to go against the societal norm. We decide to take a stand for our God and proclaim His truths, even if it rubs against the idea of what someone else says is best for them. We must choose to live above reproach and speak the gospel’s truth in all we do. But just like Jesus, we must also be careful to speak those words in love as to build bridges of trust that can eventually bear the weight of truth. We may have no choice but to live among the lost, but as for me, I will walk in the name of the Lord my God forever.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio