Numbers 14:9

Numbers 14:9

Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.

Numbers 14:9

Joshua and Caleb stood in opposition to the remaining 10 spies with whom they spent forty days spying out the promised land. As God had promised, the land truly flows with milk and honey.  However, 10 of the spies have chosen to walk by sight and not by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7). Their perspective is that the inhabitants are too numerous and too strong to overcome and, based on this argument, they turn the people against Moses and Aaron.

Joshua and Caleb are upset at this turn of events and they remind the people that the Lord is on their side, therefore they have absolutely nothing to fear.  These two men have not forgotten how God had brought the nation to this point, nor have they forgotten His promise that they would possess the land. Their faith does not waiver in the face of what are insurmountable odds in human terms.  We, too, are called to walk by faith, and when we encounter challenges that are beyond our capabilities we should not fear, but trust in God who has already brought us thus far.  It is nothing for the God who saved us to bring us through what might be to us immovable mountains.  

Lord, give us the faith to trust in you always to make the impossible possible.

Jeff Mericle