Philemon 7

Philemon 7

For we have a great joy and consolation in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed by you, brother.

Philemon 7

As Paul wrote to his friend Philemon, he made the point of saying, “You are so refreshing, Philemon!” What a great way to be described! That might actually be one of the ultimate compliments.

When people are with you, do you think they get refreshed or not so much? Do you know what the opposite of refreshed is? Exhausted, drained, discouraged! I think we all have people in our lives who, after we talk to them, we are pumped, refreshed, energized, and hopeful. And I think we also have people in our lives who are Debbie-downers and Billy-bummers. After spending a few minutes with them, you feel bummed out, discouraged, and exhausted.

In every circumstance we face, we can either give it to our Lord in faith, or we can get bummed out and resentful. We can live our lives knowing that God is in control, or we can complain that things are not going the way we want. Philemon was a man who had his eyes on the Lord, and I want to be like Philemon! He was excited about God and trusted him. And it refreshed all those around him.

Seeking to be refreshing,

Pastor Rich Kikuchi