Proverbs 11:13

Proverbs 11:13

A talebearer reveals secrets, But he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.

Proverbs 11:13

Have you ever noticed that in a crowded, noisy room, when someone goes to say something juicy and lowers their voice, instantly the entire room gets quiet? Everyone wants to hear what that person should be keeping to themselves. If you want the word to get around just start your conversation with, “Don’t tell anyone this but….” Solomon likens our faithfulness to God and to others as one who can indeed keep things to themselves. It’s heartbreaking to hear from someone else something you told a friend in confidence. We usually determine not to open ourselves up to that person again.

Do you have those people in your life that you can say anything to, no matter how vulnerable or embarrassing, and know with great assurance it won’t go any further? There’s great comfort in those kinds of friends, isn’t there? Might we pray to be that kind of confidant to our friends? That they can lean on us in times of trouble or just vent knowing it will stay with us in secret and in prayer. It’s the best way to exhibit a faithful spirit.


Pastor Gerard Deleeuw