Proverbs 12:25

Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.
Proverbs 12:25

In today’s world, we see anxiety and depression creeping into people’s lives at a faster rate than ever and at younger ages, too. The need for counseling and guidance is at an all-time high, with everyone from psychologists to life coaches to dog whisperers coming out of the offices and into the world of social media with advice. Unfortunately, most of the advice that comes from the world also comes attached with a monthly membership and a “no guarantee promise” of the solutions they proclaim to have. After a while, all the advice starts to sound the same.

Fortunately for all of God’s children, there is really nothing we have to do because there is nothing we can do of our own strength! However, we can accept His gift of salvation and know that as we sit in His grace, we will be comforted, loved, and healed. Anxiety has no place in our lives, and depression was certainly not in God’s vocabulary when He created us. As the second part of the verse reads, “A good word makes it glad.” God’s word is indeed our good word. Nothing life brings to us can take away the joy that is found in the Lord. When anxiety and depression try to creep into our lives, we know that God’s good word will extinguish those raging fires and provide calm collectiveness. God can calm the raging seas, and He can calm your mind and thoughts. Let His good word seep into your lives today and always.

God Bless,

Paul Provencio