Proverbs 19:11

Proverbs 19:11

The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory is to overlook a transgression.
Proverbs 19:11

It is the discretion of a believer — an awareness of his own failures and weaknesses, the spiritual warfare he faces, and resting in the providence of God — that makes him slow to anger. A saint is at his best when he acts as his Lord would by forgiving or overlooking another’s sin.

Jonah sure didn’t like it at all when God gave the Assyrians a reprieve from impending judgment because repentance towards God was found throughout the land. Jonah knew God was like that, and that bothered him, at least when it came to these hated Assyrians. The word glory in the above verse is beauty, that which appeals to the senses.

It is our glory as God’s people to be able to forgive. Our understanding of God and self by His Spirit enables us to be slow to anger and quick to trust God to make it right. Emulate the God who has saved you; forgive!

Wanting to keep no records of others’ wrongs,

Pastor Jack Abeelen