Psalm 142:4

Psalm 142:4

I pour out my complaint before Him; I declare before Him my trouble.

Psalm 142:4

But wait! Are we not commanded to, “Do all things without complaining or disputing?” Are these verses contradictory? No, they are not. Philippians describes how we should carry ourselves before the world so that we are good witnesses.  We keep the light of Christ in us burning strong by not complaining or murmuring, either externally or internally.

Will we ever have complaints? Of course, but our reaction should be to take them to the Lord, rather than internalizing them where they will fester and breed bitterness. God wants us to come to Him in all our situations, even the ones where we are complaining.  He alone is our refuge, and by offloading our problems to Him, the solution to our problems become His burden, not ours. And the wonderful thing is that nothing is too burdensome for our Father. He does have a solution, and it is perfect because it is His solution. Our job is simply to submit our complaints and troubles to Him, and trust that He will take care of them.

Pastor Jeff Mericle