Psalm 18:36

Psalm 18:36

You enlarged my path under me; So that my feet did not slip.

Psalm 18:36

Imagine crossing a mountain, on a path so treacherous that making one mistake results in an immediate plunge to death.  Now imagine divine intervention that causes that path to widen as you take each step, giving you sure and stable footing and safe passage.  This is the picture that I see as David describes the Lord delivering him from all his enemies and from Saul. David acknowledged that God was the one who gave him strength and made his way perfect (Psalm 18:32). Why was David so blessed?  Because the Lord rewarded him for his righteousness. David kept the ways of the Lord and maintained fellowship with God, stayed in God’s word, and in so doing, kept himself from sin. The end result was that the Lord recompensed David according to his right living.

We too can experience the Lord’s hand upon our Christian walk by following David’s example. By prayer and diligent study of God’s word, we can avail ourselves of the knowledge of how God wants us to walk in this life. By using this knowledge, we gain wisdom from our decisions, keeping ourselves from sin and therefore in God’s blessing and goodness.  It is not a life of ease, because David did face adversity, but a life of deliverance and blessing as the Lord works in our lives.

Pastor Jeff Mericle