Psalm 34:4

Psalm 34:4

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4

You and I live in a world filled with fear. The global pandemic named COVID-19 has heightened the fear level in many. Stock market fluctuations strike fear in many hearts about their future well-being. Media reports feed on fear, keeping people on edge. Some reading this are struggling under the grip of fear right now. Fear, if not surrendered to God, causes people to act in strange ways.

The story behind Psalm 34 is a faith-filled and worshipful call to trust God over fear. David wrote these words while running in fear for his life. When arriving at Gath, David becomes fearful of Achish, the king of Gath (1 Samuel 21:12). So fearful of this king that he pretends to be insane – drooling and scratching on doors (1 Samuel 21:13). That charade gets him out of trouble but only leads to another problem. He ends up in the cave of Adullam where he becomes the commander of 400 distressed, discontented, and indebted men living in that same cave because of fear (1 Samuel 22:1).

But it is in that cave, living in fear, and trying to lead others living in fear, that David lifts his voice to God. In that cry of praise to God, you and I can learn how to handle fear. Got fear? Meditate on Psalm 34 each morning this week. I suspect your fear will be quite manageable by weeks’ end.

Pastor William Del Casale