Psalm 75:4-7

Psalm 75:4-7

I said to the boastful, “Do not deal boastfully,’ And to the wicked, ‘Do not lift up the horn. Do not lift up your horn on high; Do not speak with a stiff neck. For exaltation comes neither from the east Nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, And exalts another.

Psalm 75:4-7

In this psalm from the family of Asaph, we are given a very valuable lesson about letting God open doors in our lives instead of seeking to kick them down ourselves. It is a common problem for most of us as believers because of our unwillingness to wait upon God. Though the context of the psalm is hard to determine, the broader picture is a strong word from God that He has a timing that is perfect and that those who wait upon Him will be greatly blessed.

It speaks directly to self-promotion vs. the promotion that can only come from the hand of God: a door that no man can close! Waiting upon God can be excruciating, yet it is vital and necessary if we ever hope to find that perfect place of His plans for our lives. Today, may the Lord remind you of these verses and bring you to wait upon Him to “open the door” for you.

Place me where You want me to be, Lord,

Pastor Jack Abeelen