Psalm 77:11

Psalm 77:11

I will remember the works of the LORD; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
Psalm 77:11

All throughout the Psalms, they tell us the importance of remembering God’s works. Asaph, the writer of this song, tended to get depressed about the evil succeeding. In verses 7-through-9, he wonders if the Lord will cast off His people forever and if His mercy has ceased forever.

After asking those questions, he writes verse 11, which talks about remembering the works of the Lord. It gets him back on the right track. We should do the same. Whenever life seems to be beating us up, we need to remember who God is and what He’s done. Has He gotten us out of difficult situations before? We should remember that. Has He left us? No, He’s promised never to leave us or forsake us.

I’ve had my share of difficulties, but I’ve also seen the Lord do great works in my life. He’s poured out His love, mercy, and grace when I’ve needed it the most. I need to remember all that He’s done for me. So do you!

Thanking the Lord for all He’s done,

Pastor Ron Kitchell