Psalm 81:10

Psalm 81:10

I am the LORD your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.

Psalm 81:10

This psalm from the Asaph family of worship leaders focuses on God’s heart for His people. His will for them and finally their responsibility to Him. I would encourage you to read all 16 verses today. Our verse speaks of God’s desire and His call for our response. God had powerfully and faithfully delivered the children of Israel from Egypt. He did what they could not do and they should have learned to always rely on His power and might.

But here they seemed to have forgotten all of that. God had not! He delighted in being with them, leading them, and guiding their steps. He loved them and wanted to show them much more of His love. So His call here: Open your mouth and I will fill it! It was not His lack of willingness to bless but rather that they lacked much of a desire for Him in their lives. How tragic…God willing, the nation not so much. God today wants to totally bless you, He is willing…

Wanting His best for my life,

Pastor Jack Abeelen