Psalm 92:4

Psalm 92:4

For You, LORD, have made me glad through Your work; I will triumph in the works of Your hands.
Psalm 92:4

Do you have joy in the Lord? I mean tangible joy, the kind that shows on your face to all around you. I like this verse, written in the present tense, that Lord made the writer of this Psalm glad. Not He will make him glad in the future, once in Heaven, hanging with God. No, He is glad now because of the Lord’s work.

We can have this same kind of joy if we remember all the Lord has done in our lives. If you’ve accepted Jesus, you’re going to Heaven for eternity. Doesn’t that make you happy? All of your sins — which are many in my case — have been forgiven. Does that bring a smile to your face?

Paul wrote a whole letter about joy in Philippians while he sat in a Roman jail cell. He could do that because he didn’t forget Jesus’ redeeming work. Smile, Jesus loves you!

There is joy in the Lord,

Pastor Ron Kitchell