Psalm 94:12-13

Psalm 94:12-13

Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O LORD, And teach out of Your law, That You may give him rest from the days of adversity, Until the pit is dug for the wicked.
Psalm 94:12-13

Christians, being the varied group we are, tend to handle adversity in many different ways. Some really struggle when anything goes wrong. They toss their hands to the sky and list their complaints to Facebook in frustration. Though they know God loves them, they just wonder why that love isn’t more tangible at this point in their lives.

Meanwhile, there are others that seem to handle difficulties with a supernatural calm. Sure they’re having problems, but they’re not going to let this ruin their day. It’s possible the second group has taken the advice of the above verses. They’ve read God’s word, been instructed by it, and it has indeed given them rest during their days of adversity.

We all have to make the choice whether we’re going to be the complainers or the conquerors. God wants to rest in Him and we can do that by applying His word to our hearts and lives.

Resting in Him,

Pastor Ron Kitchell