Romans 12:17

Romans 12:17

Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
Romans 12:17

There are many things that change as we grow up. One thing that can never seem to leave us is this sense of getting even. We watch kids and hear about them and think it’s childish that because so-and-so called me a name, I can punch them. But as we grow up, does that really change? The circumstances do, for sure, but our flesh doesn’t.

We are told if there is evil done to you, don’t repay them with the same! In fact, we are called to not only love them still and bless them, but to have an outstanding reputation of only good things before everyone. We represent the Lord and in all things, we want to do our best to be His ambassadors. As such, we want to display the same love in repaying evil with good as the Lord did for us at the cross. We were in great evil towards God, yet He gave us Christ and died for us. When in this tough situation, take a second and reflect on what Christ did for you and let the peace of God overwhelm you with the hope of winning over a soul for Christ.


Pastor Sean Boehm