Romans 12:21

Romans 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

When I am driving, it seems like I am in another mode. I know that a lot of pastors joke about this, but it seem to be true. You’re driving and someone cuts you off intentionally. I know this isn’t the most evil thing in the world, but the intentions behind it are not good, they are selfish. So we get enraged with something that doesn’t really matter.

I know the example is small, but if something so small can make us so upset that we possibly return evil verbally, physically, or mentally, how much more can come out of us in more meaningful situations. We are told here by Paul to overcome evil with something good. We should look for a practical way to help that person. Don’t let the enemy take this victory, show people Jesus and see how they can come to love Him more.


Pastor Sean Boehm