Romans 6:8

Romans 6:8

Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.

Romans 6:8

I once heard a story about a missionary who left Liverpool, England to go to Africa. When he arrived, there was an outbreak of disease in the area where he was supposed to go. Thousands had died and he devoted his time to helping the sick and sharing Christ with those on their deathbeds.

One day, a slave trader came up to him and said, “Sir, if you stay here, you’ll die.” So that missionary nodded his head and said, “Friend, I died before I left Liverpool. That’s why I’m here.”

In Christ, we are dead to sin and alive to God. The moment we trust in Him, our old self dies and we begin to experience new life. It’s an amazing exchange. Yet many Christians still live as if their old self never died. How tragic!

Instead of living in light of sin and shame, remember the freedom and forgiveness that was given to you the moment you believed in Christ. Stop looking back and recognize the blessing of new life you have today. Don’t expect to lose. Expect to live victoriously in Christ!

Pastor William Del Casale