Romans 8:18

Romans 8:18

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

The previous verses to this passage above speak towards living in the Spirit of God verses continuing to live in the flesh that we have been freed from once we put our faith in Jesus Christ. We have a new identity, a new man (or woman) where we have access to God as the Holy Spirit now lives in us. However, living out our new identity will come with certain sufferings. We have to resist certain habits and tendencies that we used to carelessly enjoy in our flesh that we can longer enjoy being in the Spirit. Putting off these things do come at a cost and sometimes that cost is so great that it feels like suffering.

But Paul encourages us in our fight to remain living in the Spirit of God that any suffering we face for Jesus now, will seem to be of little significance when we finally get to be with Jesus face to face. Meaning, everything we do today that costs us now, will be oh so ever worth it later.

You never lose doing it Jesus’ way, no matter how much your flesh groans the opposite.

Pastor Jason Witt