Juan Carlos Aguilar
Capilla Del Calvario, El Hongo
Capilla Calvario Hongo is a church plant of CC Mexicali. Pastor Juan Carlos was the Assistant Pastor and Worship Leader at CC Mexicali when the Lord called him and his family to plant a church some 100 miles away in El Hongo. The Aguilar family moved from Mexicali to Hongo in 2008 to start a Calvary on a ranch located at the foot of the Hongo prison. Juan Carlos pastors and disciples the fellowship that the Lord has raised up; services are held throughout the week and on Sundays in the church building located on the Hongo ranch. The ranch is also used for church retreats, campouts and the like and is often a place of overnight refuge for those released from Hongo prison. Juan Carlos also conducts Bible studies in the Hongo and Tijuana prisons. He and his wife Patti have three daughters: Karla, Rebecca, and Leslie.
Juan Carlos Aguilar
Ejido Baja California
BC Mexico
Entrance to C.E.R.E.S.O., El Hongo

The Barillaro Family
Calvary Chapel Mexicali, Mexico
It was February of 1994 when the Barillaros pulled into a vacant lot in the humble little neighborhood called Colonia Rivera Campestre and set up house in their green Chevy pickup. It was a real oddity to the people, a challenging adventure to John, a camping experience to the girls and a turbulent trauma to Laurie. All these years later they are now Mexican citizens and the church plant has grown. God has established their ministry. They recently built a two story, 700-seat sanctuary with classrooms and meeting spaces downstairs and the sanctuary upstairs. Pastor John simply teaching the Word simply has touched the hearts of the people of Mexicali.
The Barillaro Family
Calvary Chapel Mexicali
P.O. Box 2421
Calexico, CA. 92232

Jeff, Lilia & Gabriel Roenspie
La Gloria, Tijuana, Mexico
Since leaving the Philippines in 2003, the Roenspies felt led back to Mexico, where both Jeff and Lilia had served before they married. They would spend the next 13 years in Hermosillo, Mexico where Jeff assisted in teaching and preaching at Amor Fraternal, overseeing pastoral teaching clinics, and offers support to the coastal church pastors with resources and events. Lilia would oversee Sunday School, teach an evangelistic English as a Second Language Course, and faithfully ministers to her husband and son Gabriel. They were also involved with the kids at Casa de Gracia Children’s Home, in an outreach to a local homeless shelter, and overseeing the adolescent’s group at Amor
Fraternal. While in Hermosillo the Roenspies adopted their second child, Cassandra.
Just when they thought their adventures were over, in the spring of 2018, God called Jeff to become the new Director of the Calvary Training Center in La Gloria, Tijuana. Calvary Training Center is a base where people can come to be equipped for service. There are four key ministries; a 2-month School of Church Planting Intensive, which is free to Mexican nationals; an internship program of varying lengths for Mexicans and foreigners; a short-term teams program; and a neighborhood after school program ministering to about 40 local children.
Jeff , Lilia, Gabriel & Cassandra Roenspie
555 Saturn Blvd B159
San Diego CA 92154

Michael & Michelle Pratt
Lviv, Ukraine
This is Mike and Michelle’s third tour in Ukraine. Their current work is a church plant in Lviv, which has a population of 800,000 and is home to many university students. Their vision is simply to: win, disciple and send. They have a heart to reach the youth and the church has grown steadily through various outreaches including English camps and movie nights. They also have a Coffee Shop ministry at the church facility on Saturday Nights. They offer the young folks a place to hang out and there are music groups that perform Christian music. Their church, Horizon Fellowship, L’viv, which is located in the city center, has about 150 people attending. They now hold two Sunday Morning services and are looking for a bigger building.
Mike and Michelle Pratt
24b Lubi Gaiovski
L’viv (Bilogorsha) Ukraine 79052

Dan and Debbie Finfrock
Intensive Care Ministries
Intensive Care Ministries was founded in 1984 by Pastor Dan Finfrock. In 1985 he moved his family to the Philippines. He saw the need to train national pastors how to study the Bible inductively, with an emphasis on becoming expositors of the Word. Since its beginning, thousands of pastors and Christian workers have been taught the Inductive Study Method, and many churches have flourished because of this ministry. Staff are now located in the United States, the Philippines, Russia and Africa. ICM Ministries desires to seek out gifted pastors and church workers, further equipping them in their study of the Word. Pastor Dan travels extensively throughout the world to teach the Inductive Study Method to Pastors and church Leaders including such destinations as Pakistan and Iraq. He is now based in the US.
(ICM) Intensive Care Ministries
Post Office Box 109
Mentone, CA. 92359-0109

Joe & Julie Guglielmo
Calvary Chapel Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Joe Guglielmo pastors the Calvary Chapel in Manitowoc, Wisconsin a town of about 30,000 people that hugs the shores of Lake Michigan. They hold a Sunday morning and Thursday evening service. If you ever visit this church you’ll find hospitality, warmth and genuine fellowship.
Joe & Julie Giglielmo
P.O. Box 224
Manitowoc, WI 54221

Eric & Jennifer Brubaker
Calvary Harvest Hermiston, Oregon
The Brubakers moved to Hermiston, Oregon to begin a Home Study in this arid, agricultural, desert town. The Lord has since opened the door for them to start a church and Calvary Harvest Fellowship of Hermiston was born. They meet on Sundays in a community center in town called, Agape House.
Eric & Jennifer Brubaker
810 E. Kennedy
Hermiston, OR 978938