Titus 3:8

Titus 3:8

This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men.
Titus 3:8

As Christians, we understand that faith in God alone has saved us. Nothing we do, not even our “good works,” will earn us right standing before the Lord. The grace of God is His gift of love to us. It erases our sin and it enables us to live our lives in tune with our Maker.

This verse reminds us that our salvation has a purpose. As the Lord now resides within our hearts, the mercy and compassion that defines God beckons us to reach out to others with His love. Doing good ceases to be a contrived effort of our minds and becomes a rich outpouring of His Spirit working through our gladly surrendered lives.

Let’s keep this in mind as we step out the front door today. Opportunity awaits. Maintaining the good works that God enables us to perform will certainly bless others and it will no doubt bless us as well.

Jeff Deal