18:28 Young Adult Fellowship
The Young Adults ministry of Morningstar Christian Chapel (18-28). We meet every Friday night at 7pm at Morningstar Christian Chapel in the Multi-Purpose Room. Each service includes worship, Bible study and ample opportunity for fellowship and sharing experiences.
Who Attends
Many of the students who attend the Morningstar Young Adult Fellowship are young men and women who have spent most of their church lives in Sunday School and the Youth Group. Upon graduation they find themselves trying to assimilate into the main church body.
All Are Welcomed
Other students are new to the area, having moved from their hometown and church in order to attend college. These students also must find a way to assimilate into a new church and find fellowship.
The mission of the Morningstar Young Adult Fellowship Ministry is to build and foster relationships among the young adults within the body here at Morningstar Christian Chapel, helping them find fellowship with their peer group, as well as find fellowship within the main church body.
Our Belief
We believe that these young men and women are an important part of the body of Christ here at Morningstar, and that the Lord will use their youthful vision and energy to grow and edify the body of Christ within our church. We encourage the young adults to not be content to be pew sitters, but to take their place in the ministry and fellowship, seeking to be examples to the brethren in their walk and commitment to the Lord.
Ministry Verse
Luke 18:28 “See, we have left all and followed You.”
We gather every Friday night for a special service geared toward helping young adults (18-28) find fellowship. Each service includes worship, Bible study and ample opportunity for fellowship and shared experiences.
Friday Nights @ 7pm
In the Multi-Purpose Room