1 Samuel 17:29

1 Samuel 17:29

And David said, “What have I done now? Is there not a cause?”
1 Samuel 17:29

David’s words, recorded in our verse, were spoken to his brothers when David, hearing the jaunts, jeers, and threats of Goliath, expressed his shock that not one in the army of the living God was stirred enough to go and stand for the Lord against this offending Philistine. Instead, Saul had offered lots of fleshly incentives to any volunteer but still there had not been any takers!

Today we live in a world that continues to move further from the Lord and often we as believers offer little to stem the tide. But saints, isn’t there a cause for us to fast and pray, to reach out and share, to invest ourselves in preaching God’s love found in Jesus? Today, in your busy day, I pray God gives you an opportunity to speak up for Him because the cause is good and fields are white and the laborers are few.

Speak through me, Lord,

Pastor Jack Abeelen