2 Kings 19:14

2 Kings 19:14

And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it; and Hezekiah went up to the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord.

2 Kings 19:14

The Assyrians were one of the most powerful nations during Hezekiah’s reign and they were threatening war. The Assyrians taunted Hezekiah and the children of Israel and even wrote Hezekiah a letter saying there was no one who could save them, not even God. Hezekiah was facing a situation that seemed impossible to overcome; however, note his response. Rather than surrender out of fear, Hezekiah takes the source of his worry and fear (the threatening letter) and lays it before the Lord. God responded and gave Hezekiah victory over the Assyrians.

Whatever you are going through, you can lay it before the Lord and know that He will give you the wisdom and strength to overcome. There is nothing too big or too small for the Lord. Learn from Hezekiah and cast all your cares before a loving King who longs to deliver you!

For the King,

Pastor Daniel Batistelli