2 Timothy 2:13

2 Timothy 2:13

If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.  

2 Timothy 2:13

We have a tendency to give God human characteristics instead of remembering who He says He is, according to His word. We think that God’s response to us depends on what we say or do. But verses like this remind us that God is above us. Who He is and what He does is not based on our actions or inactions but based on His character. Our shortcomings, falling into sin or feeling unworthy, do not change God’s love for us or His faithfulness towards us.

His promises stand even in our lowest moments because, unlike us, God is unchanging, and what He has promised will come to pass. Jesus Christ is who He says He is and we can always trust in His word and in His character. We can always trust that He will remain faithful, even when we aren’t, because in doing so God reveals to us more of His character. May this encourage us in our lowest moments, that God will always be faithful regardless of our faithfulness.  

For His Kingdom, 

Alex Alfaro