Joshua 4:15-16

Joshua 4:15-16

Then the LORD spoke to Joshua, saying, “Command the priests who bear the ark of the Testimony to come up from the Jordan.”
Joshua 4:15-16

Joshua 3 begins the story of Israel preparing to cross the Jordan River in order to enter the promised land. In chapters 3 and 4, the Lord gives various instructions pertaining to the process, and Joshua in turn passes these instructions to the people and to the priests carrying the ark of the covenant. The priests lead the way, and the moment their feet touched the water, the Jordan stopped flowing and the waters rose in a heap very far away in the city of Adam. The priests halted in the middle of the Jordan, and they stood there bearing the ark the entire time as millions of Israelites crossed over the Jordan on dry ground. Not only did the priests wait for the crossing, but they watched while twelve large stones were gathered for a monument on the other side and while Joshua gathered twelve stones and erected a monument within the Jordan. Once all this activity was completed, did the priests in their fatigue decide to set out and finish the crossing? No, they waited to hear from the Lord as depicted in our verse today.

It would have been entirely obvious to them what was to occur next: They would finish crossing the Jordan River. It had been a long day, and they would have wanted to finish up the process and get some rest. It would have been so easy just to assume what was to happen and begin to move. Yet they did not, but instead waited for the command to move from the Lord, even though it would be considered a minor detail. Do we do that in our lives? Do we seek the Lord for not only the big things, but also for the little and seemingly inconsequential things? Lord, may we seek you first in all that we say and do, glorifying You as we seek to do Your will.

Jeff Mericle