Psalm 57:7

Psalm 57:7

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and give praise.
Psalm 57:7

Psalm 57 was written by David when he fled from King Saul into a cave. David had wound up in a perilous situation, because Saul intended to kill him. David describes himself as being amongst lions (Psalm 57:4), but his response is to cry out to God for mercy, and to declare his trust in the Lord for deliverance (Psalm 57:1), while seeking for God to be glorified (Psalm 57:5). David is not relying on his own devices for deliverance because he is fully trusting in God (Psalm 57:3).

This passage describes David’s disposition as he faces adversity: His heart is steadfast in the Lord, and in that confidence, he desires to worship and praise the Lord. David’s walk with God is so strong that in this dire situation he does not respond with fear and trembling, but confidence and praise. In our local church body and the West in general, we are not going to find ourselves in a situation where we are being hunted down. However, we do face trials and adversity in our lives. Would it not be great if we could respond like David when those times do come? May our walk with the Lord be so strong that we can fully trust in God for deliverance, and that we praise Him as He guides us through life’s storms.

Jeff Mericle