John 15:2

John 15:2

“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.”
John 15:2

In looking at this verse we need to keep in mind Jesus is speaking to believers, those that are in Him. The works of our flesh produce nothing, but the work of the Spirit brings fruit. That phrase “takes away” can also be translated as “to lift up off the ground.” We are branches, heavy with leaves that need to be dealt with. Even trees that do bear fruit need to be pruned now and then.

This Scripture came to life for me as I watched my mom in her last day on this earth dying from cancer. She was barely a heart beating and lungs breathing. It came to me that when we’re born, God begins His pruning of our sinful nature and He continues to prune and refine through our whole lives until, in the end, there is that last snip of our flesh and we enter into eternity. Let God have His perfect work in you today so you can bear more fruit for the kingdom.

Bringing in the shears,

Pastor Gerard Deleeuw